This is one for the books. A day that will live in my heart forever. These young adults continue to show off their kayaking skills and to witness the growth and confidence.
To see the improvements, while others never been in a kayak or in the water. WOW – the emotions to witness the fear but the love of being in the kayak. Once in the kayak and felt comfortable the fear went away. This was huge accomplishment.
I can’t say enough about ICARE Program – Sea Turtle Adventures and your work in our community.
Thanks to our Paul the best Coach and mentor that works miracles with each group.
Shifting Gears United, we truly have an outstanding team.
Ray & Joe for being our safety launch
Harry, Lanny, Greg Weisman, Jock, Corky, thank you! Huge thank you to North Palm Beach Rowing Club.
#kayaking #adaptivesports #adapativekayaking #npbrc #palmbeachcounty #communitypartnerships
#giggles #GoBill #BDE #autismawareness
#anythingispossible #dreambig #ChristopherReeve #leedsendowment